Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) Wristcutters: A Love Story
Directed by
Will Arnett, Abraham Benrubi, Leslie Bibb, Mark Boone Junior, Cameron Bowen, Clayne Crawford, Chase Ellison, Patrick Fugit, Adam Gifford, Mary Pat Gleason, John Hawkes, Mikal P. Lazarev, Aaron Parker Mouser, Nick Offerman, Anatol Rezmeritza
Despondent over his breakup with Desiree, Zia slashes his wrists and goes to an afterlife peopled by suicides, a high-desert landscape dotted by old tires, burned-out cars, and abandoned sofas. He gets a job in a pizza joint. By chance, Zia learns that Desiree offed herself a few months after he did, and she's looking for him. He sets off with Eugene (an electrocuted Russian rocker) to find her, and they pick up a hitchhiker, Mikal, who's looking for the People in Charge, believing she's there by mistake. They're soon at the camp of Kneller, where casual miracles proliferate. They hear rumors of a miraculous king. Can Zia find Desiree? Then what? Where there's death there's hope.
- Pašnāvnieki: mīles stāsts
- Самоубийцы: История любви