The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
IMDB: 6.5
Action and Adventure
Directed by
Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Sergio Castellitto, Peter Dinklage, Warwick Davis, Vincent Grass, Pierfrancesco Favino, Cornell John, Damián Alcázar, Alicia Borrachero, Simón Andreu, Predrag Bjelac
A year after their first adventure in Narnia, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are pulled back in by Susan's magic horn. They find that hundreds of years have passed, and Narnia is now ruled by the bloodthirsty General Miraz, uncle to the true heir, Prince Caspian, now in exile. Now the children must find Caspian and help him depose Miraz...but how will they get home after it's done?
- Narnijas hronikas: Princis Kaspians
- Хроники Нарнии: Принц Каспиан

© 2008 Walt Disney Pictures
Super filma, bērniem noteikti patiks
viktorija56 11.06.2010. 14:44
šī nārnijas daļa ir labāka par iepriekšējo.. vairāk padomāts par kaujas realitāti un aktierspēli.. man patika.. lai gan varu derēt, ka grāmata ir labāka kā vienmeŗ
Chabulis 05.08.2008. 10:46
Labi specefekti un lieliska vēl vienas grāmatas ekranizācija .Protams savs nopelns arī aktieriem.Man patika
klea13 31.05.2008. 21:03