The Return of The Musketeers (2009) The Return of The Musketeers

IMDB: 2.5


Action and Adventure

Directed by

Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich


Mikhail Boyarskiy, Danila Dunaev, Alisa Freyndlikh, Lyanka Gryu, Dmitriy Kharatyan, Anton Makarskiy, Dmitriy Nagiev, Aleksandr Oleshko, Irina Pegova, Venyamin Smekhov, Valentin Smirnitskiy, Igor Starygin, Yuriy Vasilev


Legendery musketeers are back in these new and splendid adventures! Now D`Artanyan and his friends will have to get back from Heaven to help their children to find tha treasures of Cardinal Mazarini.

  • Musketieru atgriešanās
  • Возвращение мушкетеров
The Return of The Musketeers - Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
© 2009 New One production
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    viktorija56 11.06.2010. 15:33