Alice in Wonderland (2010) Alice in Wonderland
IMDB: 6.5
Directed by
Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Crispin Glover, Matt Lucas, Michael Sheen, Stephen Fry, Alan Rickman, Barbara Windsor, Paul Whitehouse, Timothy Spall, Marton Csokas, Tim Pigott-Smith, John Surman
A magical and imaginative twist on some of the most beloved stories of all time. 19-year-old Alice, who returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting with her childhood friends: the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, the Mad Hatter. Alice embarks on a fantastical journey to find her true destiny and end the Red Queen’s reign of terror.
- Alise brīnumzemē
- Алиса в Стране Чудес

© 2010 Walt Disney Pictures
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Nepatika. šķita pat nedaudz drūma. Biju domājusi, ka būs labāka.
Linda777 02.06.2011. 12:13
Lieliska filma!!!
katastrofa 19.05.2011. 16:19
nuuuuu....laikam neuzrunāja gan.
LaLa 19.05.2011. 11:18
Man patika šī filma, jo bija arī par ko pasmieties.
cilveeks 22.06.2010. 08:06