Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) Fantastic Mr. Fox
Directed by
George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Wallace Wolodarsky, Eric Chase Anderson, Michael Gambon, Willem Dafoe, Owen Wilson, Jarvis Cocker, Wes Anderson, Karen Duffy, Robin Hurlstone, Hugo Guinness, Helen McCrory
Mr. and Mrs. Fox live an idyllic home life with their son Ash and visiting young nephew Kristofferson. But after twelve years of quiet domesticity, the bucolic existence proves too much for Mr. Fox’s wild animal instincts. Soon he slips back into his old ways as a sneaky chicken thief and in doing so, endangers not only his beloved family, but the whole animal community. Trapped underground without enough food to go around, the animals band together to fight against the evil Farmers - Boggis, Bunce and Bean - who are determined to capture the audacious, fantastic Mr. Fox at any cost. In the end, he uses his natural instincts to save his family and friends.
- Lieliskais Lapsas kungs
- Бесподобный мистер Фокс

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Nu noteikti sapratīsi ka par gaumi strīdēties gan nevarētu!
Vismaz man patika, jo var pasmieties!
kristapsw 13.04.2010. 16:47
Nu ja...Draudzene gan teica ka totaals dranjkjis
dendijs 13.04.2010. 12:04
Šo te ir vērts paskatīties! Iesaku!
kristapsw 12.04.2010. 13:48