Green Zone (2010) Green Zone
Action and Adventure
Directed by
Igal Naor, Said Faraj, Faycal Attougui, Aymen Hamdouchi, Matt Damon, Nicoye Banks, Jerry Della Salla, Sean Huze, Michael J. Dwyer, Edouard H.R. Gluck, Brian Siefkes, Adam Wendling, Abdul Henderson, Paul Karsko, Robert Miller
During the U.S.-led occupation of Baghdad in 2003, Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller and his team of Army inspectors were dispatched to find weapons of mass destruction believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Rocketing from one booby-trapped and treacherous site to the next, the men search for deadly chemical agents but stumble instead upon an elaborate cover-up that inverts the purpose of their mission. Spun by operatives with intersecting agendas, Miller must hunt through covert and faulty intelligence hidden on foreign soil for answers that will either clear a rogue regime or escalate a war in an unstable region. And at this blistering time and in this combustible place, he will find the most elusive weapon of all is the truth.
- Zaļā zona
- Зеленая зона

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Kaut kas pietrūka, lai būtu LABA filma, baigi vienmuļa
martins85k 01.12.2011. 19:45
Pirmā filma par Irākas karu kura man tik tiešām nepatika.Nevienā brīdī nesaistija...garlaikoja... A Damons man nepatika arī Borna ultimātā
dendijs 22.04.2010. 13:05