The Expendables (2010) The Expendables
IMDB: 6.5
Action and Adventure
Directed by
Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, David Zayas, Giselle Itié, Charisma Carpenter, Gary Daniels, Terry Crews, Mickey Rourke, Hank Amos, Amin Joseph
Barney Ross is a man who has nothing to lose as well as well as his gang of tough guys. They took up the job nobody would - to bring down a cruel dictator of one small country in South America... It seemed to be just another easy way to make money and only later it became the most difficult mission of their lives. Now there’s only one thing left - to stay alive.
- Neiznīcināmie
- Неуничтожаемые

© 2010 Lionsgate
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Filma viduēja, aktieru sets bija pilns ar zvaigznēm, bet nekā īpaša
Raivixx 14.04.2011. 19:07
Bija tīri neko.
martins85k 04.01.2011. 14:55
Oo, nu šitais tik ir gabals..
Super filma, sižets, aktieru tandēms- iedeāāālīī...!!! Tiēšām iesaku noskatīīties.
Madarella 31.10.2010. 15:01
Riktīgs Stalones gabals...Neiztikt bez uzkačātu džeku cēlas filozofēšanas par cilvēciskajām vērtībām...Ja atklāti biju vīlies...ļoti vīlies...No šāda aktieru salikuma gribēju saņemt daudz vairā nesaņēmu neko...Žēl...
dendijs 23.09.2010. 15:21
parasti nemēdzu skatīties šāda žanra filmas, bet šitā tiešām ir laba.
Linda777 22.09.2010. 08:09