The Other Guys (2010) The Other Guys
Action and Adventure
Directed by
Will Ferrell, Derek Jeter, Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes, Michael Keaton, Larnell Stovall, Jalil Jay Lynch, Roy T. Anderson, Ray Stevenson, Samuel L. Jackson, Andrew Secunda, Sara Chase, Dwayne Johnson, David Gideon, Joshua Church
Detectives Christopher Danson and P.K. Highsmith are the baddest and most beloved cops around. Two desks over and one back, sit Detectives Allen Gamble (Will Ferrell) and Terry Hoitz. You’ve seen them in the background of photos of Danson and Highsmith, out of focus and eyes closed. They’re not heroes – they’re “the Other Guys.” But every cop has his or her day and soon Gamble and Hoitz stumble into a seemingly innocuous case no other detective wants to touch that could turn into the city’s biggest crime. It’s the opportunity of their lives, but do these guys have the right stuff?
- Rezerves policisti
- Копы в резерве

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Kārtējais amerikāņu sviests
martins85k 20.04.2011. 07:57
Galīgi garām
martins85k 06.03.2011. 20:00
Kārtējais tizlais ASV humors...
labais009 19.12.2010. 19:38
Kā var būt tik tizls humors???Par ko šeit ir jāsmejas???Vai pa TV nerāda neko labāku???Aptuveni šādus jautājumus es uzdevu sev skatīšanās laikā...Tizla filma...pat komentēt negribas...
dendijs 22.10.2010. 07:54