Piranha 3D (2010) Piranha 3D
Directed by
Richard Dreyfuss, Ving Rhames, Elisabeth Shue, Christopher Lloyd, Eli Roth, Jerry O'Connell, Steven R. McQueen, Jessica Szohr, Kelly Brook, Riley Steele, Adam Scott, Ricardo Chavira, Dina Meyer, Paul Scheer, Brooklynn Proulx
Every year the population of sleepy Lake Victoria explodes from 2,000 to 20,000 for Spring Break, a riot of sun and drunken fun. But this year, there's something more to worry about than hangovers and complaints from local old timers; a new type of terror is about to be cut loose on Lake Victoria. After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the areas new razor-toothed residents.
- Piranjas 3D
- Пираньи 3D

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Nu šo filmu būtu ieteicams skatīties 3D, bet ja nevar tad tas nekas.....dažos mirkļos kaut kas izlec, bet tas jau ir tas jautrākais.....ja nepatīk asiņainas filmas tad iesaku neskatīties, jo asinis būs daudz.... (yep)
katy181818 15.06.2011. 18:38
Diezgan garlaicīga filma, ar neko savā žanrā neizceļas.
Raivixx 07.04.2011. 20:29
Ja gribam redzēt pupus un beibes ar labu iedegumu tad skatamies...ja interesē kas cits tad izvēlamies citu filmu
dendijs 22.11.2010. 15:32