Unknown (2011) Unknown
Action and Adventure
Directed by
Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, January Jones, Aidan Quinn, Bruno Ganz, Frank Langella, Sebastian Koch, Olivier Schneider, Stipe Erceg, Rainer Bock, Mido Hamada, Clint Dyer, Karl Markovics, Eva Löbau, Helen Wiebensohn
Dr. Martin Harris awakens after a car accident in Berlin to discover that his wife suddenly doesn’t recognize him and another man has assumed his identity. Ignored by disbelieving authorities and hunted by assassins, he finds himself alone, tired, and on the run. On his own in a strange country, Martin seeks aid from an unlikely and reluctant source as he plunges headlong into a deadly mystery that will force him to question his sanity, his identity, and just how far he’s willing to go to uncover the truth.
- Nezināmais
- Неизвестный

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nezinu, visi te baigi labi izsakās, man jau nu likās baigais sūds, vienīgais labais kas bija šajā filmā - tas vecais vācu aktieris.
meidejs 15.02.2012. 00:15
Laba, saturīga filma, no manis ++++++++
martins85k 21.06.2011. 16:38
Nu šī gan bij laba...Riktīgi laba...pats pat apjuku un nesapratu kas tad īsti notiek ar galveno varoni...
dendijs 29.05.2011. 10:10