Sheep & Wolves (2016) Sheep & Wolves
Directed by
Александр Петров, Елизавета Боярская, Сергей Безруков, Екатерина Иванчикова, Юрий Гальцев, Андрей Рожков, Татьяна Шитова, Диомид Виноградов, Андрей Бархударов, Дмитрий Филимонов
Grey is claiming for future wolf pack leader position and the hand of most beautiful wolf-girl. Despite he is the pack`s favorite Grey is hopeless goof ball. To become a leader and win back Bianca's love, Grey goes off into the woods, where he discovers a camp of Gypsy rabbits. The fortune-teller rabbit gives him a magical "transmutation potion". Grey drinks the potion and goes back to the wolves' den, but finds out upon arrival that he has been transformed into... a ram!
- Vilks aitas ādā
- Волки и овцы: бе-е-е-зумное превращение

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