Genius (2016) Genius
Directed by
Nicole Kidman, Vanessa Kirby, Jude Law, Guy Pearce, Laura Linney, Colin Firth, Dominic West, Mark Arnold, Joy Isa, Katherine Kingsley, Demetri Goritsas, Jane Perry, Angela Ashton, Kumud Pant, Bern Collaco
A chronicle of Max Perkins's time as the book editor at Scribner, where he oversaw works by Thomas Wolfe, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and others. Perkins receives a submission from Wolfe that is vital, poetic, and a veritable avalanche of words. The relationship between a writer and a great editor is one of the most intimate and fulfilling, something between a gifted psychoanalyst, an inspiring teacher, and a fairy godparent — or, just a parent.
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