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- High Life(2018)
- Hills Have Eyes(2006)
- Hills Have Eyes 2(2007)
- Horrorfest 2007(2007)
- Hostel(2005)
- Hostel: Part II(2007)
- I Am Legend(2007)
- I, Frankenstein(2014)
- Imaginary(2024)
- Immaculate(2024)
- In a Violent Nature(2024)
- Incarnate(2016)
- Incident in a Ghostland(2018)
- Influencer(2022)
- Insidious: Chapter 2(2013)
- Insidious: Chapter 3(2015)
- Insidious: The Last Key(2018)
- Insidious: The Red Door(2023)
- It(2017)
- It Follows(2014)
- It Lives Inside(2023)
- Jennifer's Body(2009)
- Jessabelle(2014)
- Jigsaw(2017)
- Joshua(2007)
- Kinds of Kindness(2024)
- Knock at the Cabin(2023)
- Knock Knock(2015)
- Krampus(2015)
- Last Night in Soho(2021)
- Let Me In(2010)
- Life(2017)
- Lights Out(2016)
- Longlegs(2024)
- Lord of Misrule(2023)
Find all the information you're interested in this wide horror movie list and go to online movie websites to see all time the best horror movies online.