Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) Resident Evil: Extinction
Action and Adventure
Directed by
Milla Jovovich, Oded Fehr, Ali Larter, Iain Glen, Ashanti, Christopher Egan, Spencer Locke, Matthew Marsden, Linden Ashby, Jason O'Mara, Mike Epps, Joe Hursley, John Eric Bentley, James Tumminia, Kirk B.R. Woller
Years after the Raccoon City disaster, Alice is on her own; aware that she has become a liability and could endanger those around her, she is struggling to survive and bring down the Umbrella Corporation led by the sinister Albert Wesker and head researcher Dr. Isaacs. Meanwhile, traveling through the Nevada Desert and the ruins of Las Vegas, Carlos Olivera, L.J., and new survivors K-Mart, Claire Redfield, and Nurse Betty must fight to survive extinction against hordes of zombies, killer crows and the most terrifying creatures created as a result of the deadly T-Virus that has killed millions.
- Nezūdošais ļaunums: Apokalipse
- Обитель зла 2: Апокалипсис

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Pirmo daļu nekas nepārspēs
Lieliskais9 23.03.2008. 10:11
Kas man patika un kas nē. Patika, ka filmā visu laiku ir kāda kustībā, un viss gluži nenotiek tumsā kā tas parasti ir ierasts šausmenēm. Patika ar attiecīgā mūzika, kas ir piemklēta pilnīgi pareizi šāda tipa filmai. Nepatika - holivudas banālisms, jo tā te ir daudz un dikti.
klea13 02.03.2008. 20:14
Normaala... Man vismiiljaakaa ir tomeer otraa dalja
donijs 17.12.2007. 21:01
Nu, ko lai saku... Laba filma, tikai, kaa parasti var redzeet un paredzeet visus asv soljus
Lindinjaa 17.12.2007. 20:59