Sydney White (2007) Sydney White
IMDB: 6.3
Directed by
Amanda Bynes, Sara Paxton, Matt Long, Jack Carpenter, Jeremy Howard, Crystal Hunt, Adam Hendershott, Danny Strong, Samm Levine, Libby Mintz, John Schneider, Arnie Pantoja, Donté Bonner, Brian Patrick Clarke, Lauren Leech
This modern retelling of the classic fairytale follows a beautiful college freshman as she pledges her late mother's once dignified sorority. But after discovering that today's sisterhood is not what it used to be, Sydney finds her new home away from home with seven outcasts. With the help of her socially challenged new friends, Sydney will take on the reigning campus queen to attempt to transform the school's misguided social hierarchy.
- Sniegbaltīte
- Синди Уайт

© 2007 Universal Pictures
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Chabulis 09.08.2008. 15:22
Foršā, jauka filma.
Kateriinite 05.08.2008. 15:37
šitā ir baigi baigi laba filma
ghosty 26.06.2008. 19:06
kā vēl tikai top.. es nez..kačāju torentos. .daudzas jau var skatiities internetaa..
Negative 15.04.2008. 04:44
bet šeit ir tikai tās filmas kas tagad top!! kur jūs viņas skataties lūdzu pasakiet!! atsūtiet man vēstulē un pasakat kur jūs kačājat šīs filmas!!! ļoti lūdzu!! jau iepriekš mīļš paldies!
pusiket 09.04.2008. 10:29