Grace Is Gone (2007) Grace Is Gone
Directed by
John Cusack, Emily Churchill, Rebecca Spence, Jennifer Tyler, Susan Messing, Shélan O'Keefe, Gracie Bednarczyk, Doug Dearth, Doug James, Alessandro Nivola, Zach Gray, Marisa Tomei, Penny Slusher, Dana Lynne Gilhooley, Mary Kay Place
Stan Philipps's wife Grace is a sergeant with the U.S. Army. While she's posted to Iraq, the earnest Stan is home in Minnesota with their daughters, Heidi, 12, and Dawn, 8. He manages a home supply store. After morning visitors bring Stan news, he takes the girls for a car ride that turns into a spontaneous trip to Dawn's favorite place, a Florida amusement park. On the way, they stop at Stan's mother's house, where his brother is staying. Heidi is an insomniac, who tries to fathom her father's uncharacteristic behavior. Dawn is cheerfully unreflective. They have fun at the park. Stan summons his courage.
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