P.S. I Love You (2007) P.S. I Love You
Directed by
Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow, Gina Gershon, James Marsters, Kathy Bates, Harry Connick Jr., Nellie McKay, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Dean Winters, Anne Kent, Brian McGrath, Sherie Rene Scott, Susan Blackwell, Michael Countryman
Holly Kennedy is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life-- a passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman named Gerry. So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it's a good thing he planned ahead. Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series of letters that will guide her, not only through her grief, but in rediscovering herself. The first message arrives on Holly's 30th birthday in the form of a cake, and to her utter shock, a tape recording from Gerry, who proceeds to tell her to get out and "celebrate herself". In the weeks and months that follow, more letters from Gerry are delivered in surprising ways, each sending her on a new adventure and each signing off in the same way; P.S. I Love You.
- P.S. Es tevi mīlu
- P.S. Я люблю тебя
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Viena no manām mīļākajām filmā. Visu laiku acīs bija asaras, tik mīļa filma...Emetina 19.08.2011. 13:56
Miegs mani uzvarēja. Galīgi filma ne manā gaumē!eds 27.11.2010. 15:57
tā kā bija izlasīta grāmata, tad filma nestāv pat blakus, biju gaidījusi ko labāku.barrbara 30.07.2010. 20:24
Ideāla (h)viktorija56 11.06.2010. 14:59
tiešām laba filma. skaista.Laridae 10.04.2010. 13:24