Streetracers (2008) Streetracers
IMDB: 2.9
Directed by
Aleksey Chadov, Marina Aleksandrova, Aleksey Guskov, Elvira Bolgova, Nikolay Chindyaykin, Stanislav Bondarenko, Evgeniy Filatov, Vladislav Tretiak, Aleksey Poggenpol, Anton Vasilev, Aleksandr Slastin, Oksana Pochepa, Dasha German, Lev Prygunov
The story unfolds on the streets of St. Petersburgh, where very different people meet from time to time - hacker Styopa, a golden boy Korolyov, extremist Docker and amazing beauty Katya. They all have something in common - love for streetracing. Gasoline is in their blood. But what is risk and adrenaline for some, is the way to make dirty money for others.
- Stritreiseri
- Стритрейсеры

© 2008 Studiya Cherepakha