Disaster Movie (2008) Disaster Movie
Directed by
Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Matt Lanter, Vanessa Lachey, Gary 'G. Thang' Johnson, Nicole Parker, Crista Flanagan, Kim Kardashian West, Ike Barinholtz, Carmen Electra, Tony Cox, Tad Hilgenbrink, Nick Steele, John Di Domenico, Jason Boegh, Valerie Wildman, Abe Spigner
Disaster Movie follows the comic misadventures of a group of ridiculously attractive twenty-somethings during one fateful night as they try to make their way to safety while every known natural disaster and catastrophic event - asteroids, twisters, earthquakes, the works – hits the city and their path as they try to solve a series of mysteries to end the rampant destruction. Taking aim at everything and everyone, from "Indiana Jones" and "Iron Man" to Amy Winehouse and “High School Musical,” DISASTER MOVIE lampoons the blockbuster movie, pop culture icons and public figures along the way as Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer satirize everything as only they can.
- Filma katastrofa
- Фильм катастрофа

31 minūti noskatījos, vairāk nevarēju sevi piespiest....Lēti un stulbi joki!
movie 13.04.2010. 14:54
Stūlbuma kalngals 2
Lieniitee 26.03.2010. 16:55
ja patīk parodijas, var skatīties.
stupidlamb- 21.06.2009. 10:55
manupraat, vinja bij diezgan mulkiiga, bet kaa komeedija teisaam izdevusies.
DROSTALINA 01.01.2009. 18:54
Kā vinju var noskatities?????????
Osells 22.09.2008. 13:21