Summer Palace (2006) Summer Palace

IMDB: 7.1



Directed by

Ye Lou


Lei Hao, Xiaodong Guo, Xueyun Bai, Lin Cui, Yihong Duan, Yu Hou, Ling Hu, Chi Le, Meihuizi Zeng, Xianmin Zhang


China, 1989. Two young lovers play out their complex, erotic, love/hate relationship against a volatile backdrop of political unrest. Beautiful country girl Yu Hong leaves her village, family and lover to study at Beijing University, where she discovers a world of sexual freedom. When she falls in love with fellow student Zhou Wei, their relationship, driven by passions neither one can understand nor control, becomes one of dangerous games - betrayals, recriminations, provocations - as all around them, students begin to demonstrate, demanding freedom and democracy. As the protests collapse, Yu and Zhou lose each other amidst the social chaos and panicked crowds. Zhou is sent to a summer military camp, and moves to Berlin upon his release, fleeing his country and memories of Yu. In Germany, social unrest is mounting too; as the Berlin wall crashes down, Zhou, weary and still haunted by Yu, returns to China and finds her living in a small town. With their uncertain future stretched out before them, they are two changed souls in a changed world. Will they survive together or alone?

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Summer Palace - Ye Lou
© 2006 Centre National de la Cinematographie