Orphan (2009) Orphan
Directed by
Vera Farmiga, Peter Sarsgaard, Isabelle Fuhrman, CCH Pounder, Jimmy Bennett, Margo Martindale, Karel Roden, Aryana Engineer, Rosemary Dunsmore, Jamie Young, Lorry Ayers, Brendan Wall, Genelle Williams, Mustafa Abdelkarim, Landon Norris
The tragic loss of their unborn child has devastated Kate and John, taking a toll on both their marriage and Kate's fragile psyche as she is plagued by nightmares and haunted by demons from her past. Struggling to regain some semblance of normalcy in their lives, the couple decides to adopt another child. At the local orphanage, both John and Kate find themselves strangely drawn to a young girl named Esther. Almost as soon as they welcome Esther into their home, however, an alarming series of events begins to unfold, leading Kate to believe that there's something wrong with Esther-this seemingly angelic little girl is not what she appears to be. Concerned for the safety of her family, Kate tries to get John and others to see past Esther's sweet facade. But her warnings go unheeded until it may be too late... for everyone
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psihologiski....likās baisa... galvenā aktrise ir laba)
crazygopher 24.08.2010. 16:48
kad skatījos, likās baisa...
barrbara 30.07.2010. 20:34
Šī filma šķita visnotaļ komiska, par spīti tam, ka skaitās esam šausmu filma. Beigās bija negaidīts pavērsiens, kas likās nedaudz, hmm, slimīgs, patiesībā, tas visu šo filmu padarīja tikai interesantāku. Lai gan noteikti nepieskaitītu pie saistošajām "šausmenēm"[pēdiņas lietoju tādēļ, ka šo filmu par tādu neuzskatu], šī vismaz mani piesaistīja ar treileri, kā rezultātā pēc ilgiem laikiem noskatījos kādu no mūsdienu šī žanra kino veikumiem, kuri ir ļoti sekli un neizdevušies.
Dieviete 02.12.2009. 10:33
laba filma, man patika
nilsons333 11.11.2009. 12:08
ljubasik 08.11.2009. 19:45