The Back-up Plan (2010) The Back-up Plan
Directed by
Jennifer Lopez, Alex O'Loughlin, Michaela Watkins, Eric Christian Olsen, Anthony Anderson, Noureen DeWulf, Melissa McCarthy, Tom Bosley, Maribeth Monroe, Danneel Ackles, Robert Klein, Linda Lavin, Carlease Burke, Amy Block, Jennifer Elise Cox
The Back-up Plan is a comedy that explores dating, love, marriage and family “in reverse.” After years of dating, Zoe has decided waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an appointment and decides to go it alone. That same day, Zoe meets Stan – a man with real possibilities. Trying to nurture a budding relationship and hide the early signs of pregnancy becomes a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates confusing signals for Stan. Anyone can fall in love, get married and have a baby but doing it backwards in hyper-drive is the real pregnancy test.
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Piekrītu,ka Dženifera ir skaista sieviete,bet diemžēl paliek jau garlaicīga.
LaLa 19.05.2011. 11:01
Dženifera tā teikt, atdzīvināja filmu. Tāda viegla, patīkama filma
dongija 30.01.2011. 14:51
Man nepatika
martins85k 04.01.2011. 15:10
sekls humors... Dženifera vairāk līdzinājās "vienkāši Marijai"
popkornita 12.12.2010. 14:47
Filma būtu daudz baudāmāka, ja pa vidu nebūti tie trulie jociņi. Es teiktu, kā šo filmu var skatīties "ķeksīša pēc" un "aiz neko darīt" nevis tāpēc, ka tā ir filma, kuru vajadzētu noskatīties.
Adne 23.11.2010. 10:33