Star Dogs (2010) Star Dogs
IMDB: 5.2
Directed by
Inna Evlannikova, Svyatoslav Ushakov
Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Evgeniy Mironov, Sergey Garmash, Aleksandr Bashirov, Vladimir Dovzhik, Ruslan Kuleshov, Roman Kavashnin, Kirill Sergeev, Boris Smelyanets, Grigoriy Vats, Anastasia Ushakova, Sergey Yushkevich, Nina Shmelkova, Nikolay Smorchkov
The customary course of events is changed! Belka, a circus dog, will not go to the manege any more to enslave the hearts of spectators, and Strelka, a mongrel dog, will not spend nights in dogtrots and look for food in the streets. Now they are not merely dogs but members of a space navigation team. And it’s only the most valuable and the worthiest who will conquer the outer space.
- Zvaigžņu suņi Belka un Strelka
- Звёздные собаки Белка и Стрелка

© 2010 Centre of National Film studio
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dendijs 21.04.2010. 08:36