Burlesque (2010) Burlesque
Directed by
Cher, Christina Aguilera, Eric Dane, Cam Gigandet, Julianne Hough, Alan Cumming, Peter Gallagher, Kristen Bell, Stanley Tucci, Dianna Agron, Glynn Turman, David Walton, Terrence Jenkins, Chelsea Traille, Tanee McCall
Ali is a small-town girl with a big voice who escapes hardship and an uncertain future to follow her dreams to LA. After stumbling upon The Burlesque Lounge, a majestic but ailing theater that is home to an inspired musical revue, Ali lands a job as a cocktail waitress from Tess, the club’s proprietor and headliner. Burlesque’s outrageous costumes and bold choreography enrapture the young ingenue, who vows to perform there one day. Soon enough, Ali builds a friendship with a featured dancer, finds an enemy in a troubled, jealous performer, and garners the affection of Jack, a bartender and fellow musician. With the help of a sharp-witted stage manager and gender-bending host (Alan Cumming), Ali makes her way from the bar to the stage. Her spectacular voice restores The Burlesque Lounge to its former glory, though not before a charismatic entrepreneur (Eric Dane) arrives with an enticing proposal.
- Burleska
- Бурлеск

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superīga filma.
Šovs vispār labs.
AmandinaP 26.06.2011. 15:01
Riktīgs meiteņu kino...
Viņām patiks...
Sižetiski naiva,muļķīga un kopumā vāja.No Agileras nekāda aktrise ar nesanāks...kā viņai neiet.
Savukārt džekiem četrpaka alus un tad jau var skatīties uz meiteņu plikumiem... tik vien kā vēl vajag patiešām labu kinozāli lai mūzika sniegtu kādu baudījumu.
dendijs 22.04.2011. 13:31
Nu pilnīgi garām. Noskatījos jo interesēja šo "aktrišu"spēle. Nu vienīgā labā vieta Šēras solo dziedājums. Pārējais... Nu tāds lētucis. Neko nezaudē tie kas nav redzējuši. Kā vidusskolas teātra uzvedums
zanere 08.03.2011. 17:47
Apburoša filma! Lieliska - pievienoju sarakstam Must see it & must see it again
Dwinite 26.02.2011. 11:43