The Best Film 3D (2011) The Best Film 3D

IMDB: 3.0



Directed by

Kirill Kuzin


Garik Kharlamov, Pyotr Vins, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Aleksandr Baluev, Valentin Smirnitskiy, Aleksandr Semchev, Mikhail Efremov, Oleg Sorokin, Oleg Nikolenko, Aleksandr Andrienko, Mikhail Gorskiy, Yuriy Tsurilo, Konstantin Solovyov, Valentina Ananina, Karen Badalov


Max Utosov - an underrated director of an amateur. Utosov shoots his movies on amateur camera. At the same time, Russian movie maker conducting competition "The Best Film of Russia", in the final of which went 7 known films. Before the ceremony declaring the winner of the competition films with the films (all in one copy) are locked in the safe. But Viktor bribes organizer to get pictures for unlicensed copying.

  • Vislabākā filma 3D
  • Самый лучший фильм 3-ДЭ
The Best Film 3D - Kirill Kuzin
© 2011 Comedy Club

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  • Krievu ārprāts............................
    martins85k 16.05.2011. 11:34