The Adjustment Bureau (2011) The Adjustment Bureau
Directed by
Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Lisa Thoreson, Florence Kastriner, Michael Kelly, Phyllis MacBryde, Natalie Carter, Chuck Scarborough, Jon Stewart, Gregory P. Hitchen, Darrell Lenormand, Michael Bloomberg, Kar, RJ Konner, Susan D. Michaels
On the brink of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David Norris meets beautiful contemporary ballet dancer Elise Sellas - a woman like none he's ever known. But just as he realizes he's falling for her, mysterious men conspire to keep the two apart. David learns he is up against the agents of Fate itself - the men of The Adjustment Bureau - who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together. In the face of overwhelming odds, he must either let her go and accept a predetermined path... or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her.
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- Меняющие реальность

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Raivixx 11.04.2011. 12:11