I Don't Know How She Does It (2011) I Don't Know How She Does It
Directed by
Sarah Jessica Parker, Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Christina Hendricks, Kelsey Grammer, Seth Meyers, Olivia Munn, Jane Curtin, Mark Blum, Busy Philipps, Sarah Shahi, Jessica Szohr, Emma Rayne Lyle, Julius Goldberg, Theodore Goldberg
Kate Reddy devotes her days to her job with a Boston-based financial management firm. At night she goes home to her adoring, recently-downsized architect husband Richard and their two young children. It’s a non-stop balancing act, the same one that Kate’s acerbic best friend and fellow working mother Allison performs on a daily basis, and that Kate’s super-brainy, child-phobic young junior associate Momo fully intends to avoid. When Kate gets handed a major new account that will require frequent trips to New York, Richard also wins the new job he’s been hoping for—and both will be spreading themselves even thinner. Complicating matters is Kate’s charming new business associate Jack Abelhammer, who begins to prove an unexpected source of temptation.
- Nezinu, kā viņa to dara
- Я не знаю, как она делает это

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Biju gaidījusi no šīs filmas ko vairāk. Nebija tas "Keita paspēj vienlaicīgi izdarīt 100 darbus" - nebija tāds "Wow, kā viņa to var?!", bija - "Ai, kā viņai nekas šajā dzīvē nesanāk". Nevarētu teikt, ka man šī filma patika
Dwinite 04.02.2012. 21:31
Biju no Sāras gaidijusi kko vairāk. Īsti nepatika.
Bikebuu 02.12.2011. 18:33