Sleeping Beauty (2011) Sleeping Beauty
Directed by
Bridgette Barrett, Rachael Blake, Hannah Bella Bowden, Emily Browning, Alan Cardy, Peter Carroll, Les Chantery, Benita Collings, Michael Dorman, Eden Falk, Anni Finsterer, Mirrah Foulkes, James Fraser, Robin Goldsworthy, Vernon Hayman
Lucy is a young university student possessed by a kind of radical passivity. She lets a flip of a coin decide the outcome of a random sexual encounter and she displays an uncomplaining patience when facing the repetitions of her various menial jobs that fund her studies. One day she answers an ad in the student newspaper and interviews for a job to be a lingerie waitress. But she is secretly being initiated into a world of strange new work; one where she will have to give into absolute submission to her clients by being sedated; becoming a Sleeping Beauty. Eventually this unnerving experience begins to bleed into her daily life and she finally develops the will to break the spell by discovering what happens to her while she sleeps.
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Kas jādara lai varētu noskatītos filmu?
maruce2 20.11.2012. 10:12
Man patika meitenes tels filma, bet pats sizets uber murgs.
katastrofa 25.09.2012. 15:35
Jā es jau domāju ka būšu vienīgais, kurš filmas būtību neuztvēra....Tik tiešām tukš gabals.Pārsteidza nobeigums, jo biju gaidījis kaut ko...,bet tur nebij nekā
dendijs 17.03.2012. 13:44
Izlasot anotāciju nerodas pat vēlme skatīties...
zanere 13.12.2011. 16:50
Pilnīgs sviests. Tur pat es neteiktu, ka būtu daudz psiholoģijas. Tur nebija nekā.
Bikebuu 02.12.2011. 18:31