The Rum Diary (2011) The Rum Diary
IMDB: 6.2
Directed by
Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Rispoli, Amber Heard, Richard Jenkins, Giovanni Ribisi, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Bell, Bill Smitrovich, Julian Holloway, Bruno Irizarry, Enzo Cilenti, Aaron Lustig, Tisuby González, Natalia Rivera
Paul Kemp is a freelance journalist who finds himself at a critical turning point in his life while writing for a run-down newspaper in the Caribbean. Paul is challenged on many levels as he tries to carve out a more secure niche for himself amidst a group of lost souls all bent on self-destruction.
- Ruma dienasgrāmata
- Ромовый дневник

© 2011 FilmDistrict
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Patika. Deps bija labs...nekads varonis vai izlecejs.
katastrofa 25.09.2012. 15:33
Biju gaidījusi ko labāku. Nepatika.
AmandinaP 20.05.2012. 12:45
Linda777 12.05.2012. 11:09
GuRban 01.02.2012. 17:58