Wild (2014) Wild
Directed by
Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Thomas Sadoski, Keene McRae, Michiel Huisman, W. Earl Brown, Gaby Hoffmann, Kevin Rankin, Brian Van Holt, Cliff De Young, Mo McRae, Will Cuddy, Leigh Parker, Nick Eversman, Ray Buckley
When life gets too complicated and problems have become so big that you cannot deal with them, it is popular to get trough this period of life by living close to Mother Nature where sorrow and misfortunes are solved themselves. Last one who has decided to try whether this method works is Reese Witherspoon who shows everything what she has got in "Wild" - walks through the snow, rain and other natural disasters, dealing with personal life problems in meantime. It is rumored that this part could get second Oscar for Witherspoon. If „McConaughssance” was renaissance for Matthew McConaughey career, could "Reesurgance" be for Reese? Interesting that Jean-Marc Vallée directed both "Wild" and "Dallas Buyers Club" which earned “golden stattuete” for Matthew. In fact, film is based on autobiography of Cheryl Strayed who went on this long journey through wild nature trails herself.
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