The Same Karlsson! (2012) The Same Karlsson!
Directed by
Mikhail Galustyan, Fedya Smirnov, Igor Vernik, Mariya Syomkina, Nonna Grishaeva, Ekaterina Artemenko, Andrey Fedortsov, Semyon Furman, Dmitriy Khrustalyov, Evgeniy Koshevoy, Ilya Kostyukov, Yuriy Kutsenko, Georgiy Malkov, Aleksandr Oleshko, Oleg Tabakov
Do you the remember Karlsson, a funny guy with the propeller on his back, the one who can’t live without jam? Actor Michail Galustyan became Karlsson in the family comedy The Same Karlsson! Just this time Karlsson came from the magical land of Metric whose people are invisible to adults. He came in order to save the life of a sad Lillebror. Surrounded not by friends, but by technology Lillebror has almost forgotten what the true joy of a childhood is… Only when Karlsson suddenly appears at his house, the real adventure will start!
- Un atkal Karlsons!
- Тот ещё Карлосон