Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story (2011) Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story
IMDB: 6.7
Directed by
Poppy Montgomery, Emily Holmes, Antonio Cupo, Janet Kidder, Madison Desjarlais, Andy Maton, Aislyn Watson, Marie West, Lisa Norton, Paul McGillion, Sarah Desjardins, Christine Chatelain, Wesley MacInnes, Patti Allan, Greigh Laschuk
An inspiring look at JK Rowling's rise to become one of the most influential writers-from her humble beginnings as an imaginative young girl and awkward teenager to the loss of her mother and the genesis of the Harry Potter phenomenon.
- Vārdu maģija: Džoanna Roulinga. Neoficiālā biogrāfija
- Магия слов: История Дж.К. Роулинг

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