Like Mother, Like Daughter (2017) Like Mother, Like Daughter

IMDB: 5.1



Directed by

Noemie Saglio


Juliette Binoche, Camille Cottin, Lambert Wilson, Catherine Jacob, Jean-Luc Bideau, Michaël Dichter, Stéfi Celma, Philippe Vieux, Olivia Côte, Charlie Dupont, Hugues Jourdain, Jana Bittnerová, Thierry Simon, Charles Georges-Picot, Jean-Marc Charrier, Isma Kébé, Hocine Mérabet, Gunilla Wingqvist


When 30 year old Avril announces to her mother 47 year old mother Mado that she's pregnant, Mado behaves like a spoiled child and categorically refuses to accept her future status as «Grandmother». But when Mado discovers that she's also expecting a baby, the delicate balance of their relationship starts to inexorably unravel. For Avril, this is the worst blow imaginable. How could her childish mother be pregnant at the same time as she?

  • Kāda māte, tāda meita!
  • Ой, мамочки!
  • Telle mère, telle fille
Like Mother, Like Daughter - Noemie Saglio
© 2017 Gaumont

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